Projet Dona Gercina

Projo “DONA” Gercina
Rua conde Afonso Celso
997, Anapolis , Goias, Brésil

Direct project coordinators:

  • Présidente Perla Lidiane Gonçalves de Menezes, (psychologue)
  • Vice –présidente : Patricia Gonçalves de Menezes (Intervenante sociale, Auxiliaire de Santé Croix Rouge)
  • Responsable des Finances : Iago Costa de Menezes (Etudiant en 2eme année Droit Civil) ,
  • Amanda Roberta Menezes Diniz (Médecin Dentiste) Responsable Animation et intervention Médicale

Projet Dona Gercina

The project was shouted in homage to this woman endowed with an irreproachable generosity of love to her family and her loved ones. She was the matriarch of our family Gercina Morais dos Santos, who left us in October the year 2013.

Intervene in various social actions with children in distress, sick people, orphanages, and families in precarious situations.

 It is a non-profit project or the main objective is to help your neighbor.

Several actions carried out with more than 250 children since the creation of the project, such as purchase of medicines, donation of wheelchairs, physiological and financial supports, treatments for children suffering from cancer, donations of hearing aids, dental treatments, Christmas interactions Institutions and families, donations of food, among other things, through private donations and the extraordinary work of family members and volunteers.

Financial support:

CH-2014 St- Aubin-Sauges / Switzerland
IBAN: CH08 0900 0000 1423 9318 9
Postal Account: 14-239318-9